Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Domain Service Accounts for Configuration Manager LAB Installation. For the 系统中心配置管理器 (SCCM) 部署, we need to create some domain service accounts.
For successful LAB installation, we need 1 SCCM account (client and apps installation) 和 3 SQL accounts (agent, service, reporting services). In this post, I show step-by-step User 和 Organization Unit 活动目录 (AD) object creation but create all four accounts.
1. log in to your Domain Controller, Left Mouse Button to click on the 开始 button, in the apps list find 视窗 Administrative Tools;
2. Next click on 活动目录 Users and Computers;
3. Before user creation, we need to create some Organization Unit (OU). Right Mouse Button click on the domain name, 点击 New, 并选择 Organization Unit;
4. Give it the name Service Accounts and click the 好的 button;
5. 下一个, create another OU to divide service accounts by service. 鼠标右键 click on OU, 点击 New 并选择 Organization Unit;
6. Enter the name for OU (SQL) 然后单击 好的;
7. Create another OU 系统中心;
8. Let’s create an 活动目录 object – User. I create a service account for SCCM. 鼠标右键 click on OU 系统中心, 点击 New, 并选择 User;
9. 进入 First name, Last name, 和 User logon name (using your naming policies). 点击 这 下一个 button;
10. Enter the 密码, uncheck the User must change 密码 at next logon, and set the checkmark 密码 never expires. Click the 下一个 button;
11. Click the Finish button;
12. If all is right you will see a newly created user;
13. Repeat steps to create another three accounts for SQL it SQL OU;